
Before starting to write I was thinking a lot if to make it or not? The internet is full of blogs; millions are writing about travelling, are posting beautiful pictures. I’m not a professional traveler, neither a professional photographer, not really using even the social media. The pictures I used to post sometimes are not […]
Before starting to write I was thinking a lot if to make it or not? The internet is full of blogs; millions are writing about travelling, are posting beautiful pictures. I’m not a professional traveler, neither a professional photographer, not really using even the social media. The pictures I used to post sometimes are not made with equipment worth of millions. The way I’m writing, the sentences I’m using might be pretty basic with grammatical mistakes too. Yet, why?
One of the reasons I do is that I meet more and more people who are afraid. Afraid of a new start, of making the first step, afraid of the unknown. Not in case of everyone is about a journey, but is common in all of them the feeling of fear of the unknown. Some are afraid of flying, other of the foreign countries. Some people have no trust in themselves; they don’t believe they can succeed too. In some of the cases this can be really true and I highly respect the people who know what they are capable to do or they can clearly see the safety situation of a country. In the same time, most of the people who are brave to win the battle against they own fear, to make a step into the unknown could only win. Would like to show to this entire people how far they could get, how beautiful our world is and has to be seen! If only a few of them would make some changes in their life and succeed, already make sense to write this.
Another reason is that would like to show how beautiful are the countries people are afraid of, how friendly of the inhabitants of this places are. How wonderful our world is and how friendly the people are! No, not all of them… Some are stupid, some are arrogant, some are rude and yes, their voices are louder, creating the illusion they are the majority. But the majorities are good, most probably just like you who are afraid of knowing them.
Would like to help all those, who are planning to travel, thinking on hotel, airline, maybe even on country. Maybe right my posts will help them to choose the right place where to go or once arrived will be easier to decide what to visit.
Of course, we are all different and might happen that all what I recommend to someone, they will not like it or, has been changed in the meantime and is not anymore how I describe it.