World by mojo turned 1

Something like one year ago I was thinking that actually I’m really lucky to have the chance to see so many nice places on the world and all these would love to share with you. Yes, I do believe that our world is interesting, beautiful and if you have the possibility to see it, even […]

Something like one year ago I was thinking that actually I’m really lucky to have the chance to see so many nice places on the world and all these would love to share with you. Yes, I do believe that our world is interesting, beautiful and if you have the possibility to see it, even if just a small part, don’t miss it. I really hope, I made you to plan some outdoor adventures with my articles?!

Based on the feedbacks I got from you, was not that bad idea to start writing my articles. Already know a few of you who organized their holiday based on what I wrote. Yes, I have to admit, this makes me happy! Got negative comments as well from some people who believe their country is way much better than I wrote. Yes, this can be possible, but, as we are all different, we see the things different and I might see other things than you, who are living there.

It’s a kind of evergreen truth and actually it works, that with pretty women and cute animals everything can be sold. Well, I just failed at this chapter as I don’t really post pretty women, neither cute animal. Most probably I would have more than about 500 followers, if I would use these kinds of pictures. However, I have to admit that simply collecting followers was never my goal. I want to keep showing to you who are giving me from your time by reading my articles how beautiful our world is, want to show you all the nice places I got to visit. Most probably will continue showing you how amazing our world is and won’t post that much cute animals or pretty woman in the future. If you decide to not read me anymore because of this, well, than I still can use my site in the future when I will be just an old, grumpy guy, who won’t remember anymore how our world used to be when I was young. Then I will read my own articles and realize how much our world changed. Because this is how is our world, changing continuously. However, I would love to believe that there will be always nice places and I always can show you through my articles some of these places, so makes sense to keep reading me.

Hello! Is everything ok there? – just to make some exception, here is a cute animal
Hello! Is everything ok there? – just to make some exception, here is a cute animal

That You can read my articles, of course is not only my work. There are a few people who are helping me constantly and without their work I could not make my page. One of my best friends Gábor is helping me a lot; he is doing all the computer work, publishing, sometimes even advertising my articles. Without him I would not know about Instagram, so I have a lot to thank to him.

Gábor and me
Gábor and me

Another person helping me a lot to get ready in time with the translation of my articles is Roxana. I could not send her that late an article to not have it translated till the next day morning. I’m really thankful to her too.

Another exception, posting women too, Roxana and me
Another exception, posting women too, Roxana and me

So…how will I still make you to read my articles if I won’t post pretty women or cute animals? Right, I still can use Photoshop or other similar programs, to make my pictures more spectacular and to make you to check out my page. Unfortunately or not, but I don’t really use them, I do believe that our world is amazing enough without all these programs. Based on your feed backs, you are a few who appreciate this kind of raw beauty of our world, you keep reading me and I have to say a massive thank you to all of YOU who were reading me!!! I really hope, I can show you in the future too the beauty of our world! Just keep reading me and I won’t disappoint you!


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